The National Centre for ELT Materials Development (NCELTMAD) brings together teachers, teacher educators, educational researchers and materials writers to help improve English language teaching in Indonesia.
The Centre was established by the English Department at Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA) in January 2022. The Centre was initiated by Andy Cirocki – Associate Professor in English Language Education at the University of York, UK, and Visiting Professor in English Language Teacher Education at UNESA – who, in partnership with colleagues from the English Department, gave the Centre its final shape.
NCELTMAD has been established to:
support teachers in teaching English in a creative way by providing them with a bank of effective activities and tasks that provide opportunities for students to negotiate meaning and take part in meaningful interpersonal exchanges in the target language.
help teachers to engage learners in social interaction and meaningful communication in the classroom through high-quality materials, designed by experienced materials writers and Indonesian teachers themselves.
offer teachers CPD programs focusing on materials design so they are able to supplement local course books in the teaching-learning process.
report to teachers on developments in ELT theory, research, practice and policy and give them an opportunity to contribute an independent voice to the profession.